So. Auntie Val not well. And of course its infuriating. Because im cryign over the dumbest shit and being upset and completely ridiculous and GIRLY. FUCK THAT SHIT. Overslept today; woke up noon, after only writng *one* draft of this paper ive been trying to write since *monday*. WTF. Its a four page paper. of course i wrote more than that
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You, know, Im kind of feelign the title, but at the smae times other part so f me are screamign at me that escapsim is EVIl..btu those are the parts i want to be taken away from -.- Oh wekll, my problems. i deal; i get stornger; honestly i need to do somethign with all this strength..i swear im goign to save the world some day XD And be prepared
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Went to my gyno again today. -.- So appaerntly all my blooodwork and cultures nand evrythign cmae back -- NORMAL. There isnt even a hormonal problem like we thought there was -- NOTHING. So he looked agian. And guess what, its coming from my cervix -.- Which means its something insane in my uterus -.- Which means i now need a hystoscopy..or
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Yay T_T So, I've been on new pill for liek...3 days, and ..and .,.there is..improvement ~squuee~ I still have discharge...but now..It doenst *smell*. And there seems to be less. I hope this is a trend XD~ In other news, finished my descartes paper...I hope its good..but at the very leaast I know itll be at *least* B range?? Aiiya T_T Um...
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So..went to my gyno. Its a hormonal problem. He switched my pill, and took great gouts of blood from me T_T Resulting in ber nausea and me almost passing out...and I;m not exactly *frail*...but they took a lot of blood. Hes runnign liek, a billion tests on my blood >.> Which is good, because I need to know whats worng. Ate breakfast with my
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Yup. Its ma birthday. Gyno appt in...7 and a half hours. paper due in about 30. not like the atheist geometer. Descartes either. They need to play nice. And not make my life miserable. Well, my professor read my thing and gave me feedback, sort of which makes me happy ^^ ...but now, *fixing* my piece of crap...will be quite the task
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